Golddigger 101

Friday, June 27, 2014

In which Sly reiterates his dislike of me

Primo: My dad told me I have very bad taste in women.

Me: What? When? Last week?

Primo: Yes.

Me: What prompted that?

Primo: I commented that I thought a particular tennis player is really good looking and he said that I have particularly bad taste in women.

Me: But he is saddened by the rift between us.

Primo: No! Not just saddened. He's "deeply hurt."

In which I question my political bona fides

Am I a bad Political Wife because I don't want to watch Primo march in a Fourth of July parade? I can't think of anything I want to do less next Friday than get out of bed early, take a shower, dry my hair, dress for The Public (even though The Public couldn't care less about me), and then stand for an hour in what should be really hot weather but will probably be cold weather while people walk past me.