Golddigger 101

Thursday, April 30, 2015

In which Primo discovers I would rather donate a kidney than talk on the phone

Me: Wow. That doctor who got ebola and survived came back to the States to give his blood to the nurse who got it. His blood must have antibodies from that experimental vaccine. I would do that. I would give blood like that, even though I would pass out.

Primo: Would you give a kidney to your sister?

Me: Of course.

Primo: Would you give a kidney to your brother?

Me: Of course.

Primo: But you won't call your mom on the phone!

Me: I HATE talking on the phone!


Me: I email her.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

In which Primo goes to a county board meeting to see if it even interests him

Which I think was an excellent idea.

I would think just knowing some of the county board members would have been enough to put Primo off wanting to be elected to the board, but apparently, he feels differently. He actually wants to spend time around these people.

But he thought the meeting was boring and tedious which of course it was! They were going through the budget! Who among us has  not sat through a budget meeting at work and not wanted to slit her wrists?

He is going to dinner tonight with some friends of his who are in town from his old job. I am very happy for him to maintain that connection.