Golddigger 101

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

In which Bernice goes to the beach again

Bernice could not think of a better way to pass time than sitting on a beach with a book.

Monday, June 13, 2016

In which Harold and his cheapness start to get on Bernice's nerves

"Oh for pity's sake, Harold," Bernice snapped. "It's not like we can take it with us! Spend the gosh darn extra ten dollars a day and get the convertible!"

In which Bernice crosses the shoe Rubicon

As Bernice ate her poke on the balcony and prepared to go out for the day, she looked at her skirt and the cute sandals to go with the skirt. She never thought she, of all people, would cross that line. She sighed as she put on the tennies and she mourned the loss of her 20 year old feet.