Golddigger 101

Sunday, September 20, 2015

In which Primo returns home after being gone for two weeks and we go through all the rituals except having a fight

Primo got home last night from being gone for two weeks. He was not cranky. He is making an effort not to be cranky and not to be a jerk.

"Should I throw cheese?" he asked.

"Nope," I said.

But we went through the other rituals - he had to identify everything new in the fridge and freezer.

And then, I discovered this morning, he had to reconfigure the squeeze points on the toothpaste.


  1. No one squeezes the tube the same way. My husband and I have our own tubes because we like different types but it does avoid the whole you're squeezing it wrong argument.

    1. Liz, that is way too logical a way to handle it. :)

    2. The Cosmic AvengerMonday, September 21, 2015

      My wife and I not only have our own toothpaste tubes, we do our own laundry separately because we each have our own way of doing it. We also have our own identical remotes for the bedroom TiVo, but that's so we don't have to keep asking each other "What did you do with the remote?!?" That, and they were on sale.

    3. OK. I didn't think anyone was worse than Primo, but I was wrong! I am too lazy to separate the laundry responsibilities, especially now that Primo is in charge of it. :)

  2. Wow. I haven't visited for some time (new semester) and just read the Sly and Doris illness saga. I am sorry for you both. I do hope that writing about it helped alleviate some of what seems to be a gargantuan amount of stress. My husband's parents are at that age when things start to go wrong (even though they DID take very good care of themselves) and luckily they are very practical about it, having gone through the same thing not too long ago with their parents. Wishes have been communicated, wills updated, etc. My mom lives with a family member who is in the medical profession, so she's taken care of. Lucky me. I wish YOU both luck - we're pulling for you out here.

    1. Hi Anon - thank you. I am glad that not everyone has to go through this drama. (As in, unlike Doris, who wrote me the letter telling me that she had had to suck it up with her in-laws and so I needed to do the same thing, my attitude is, "Why on earth would I want other people to suffer?")

      (Although that is only people I like. For people I don't like, I am probably not as concerned with their suffering.)

    2. Ah. Well, since I teach logic, I will say that Doris committed the "Two Wrongs Make a RIght" fallacy by saying that since she suffered, it is ok for you to suffer, too. But of course you already know that your in-laws are illogical.

    3. Anon, yes. I know they are, but it sure helps to have official backing!

  3. I love how you put that - the squeeze points on the toothpaste. I'll never think of it the same again.

    1. Catherine, I am guessing there are no engineers in your oral-hygiene life? :)
