Golddigger 101

Saturday, February 6, 2016

In which Ted replies to Primo's apology about the insurance company letter and we decide that that is your dagger

Subject: Re: updates
CC: ted'

You are incapable of “going off” on me, Primo. You can’t punch that far out of your weight class. The lawyer is a junior varsity trust attorney. My wife (of 26 years) is flabbergasted by your continued shitty, imperious attitude and Scott Walker-level lack of disclosure.

You purport to be a politician. Politics is about leadership; you have provided little if any since July 11. 

On the other hand, you are capable of fiduciary mismanagement of our father’s trust (as you shall soon learn, it became his trust after his wife—our beloved Doris—predeceased him) and I am capable of attempting through all available legal and personal channels to rectify any malfeasance, mismanagement, or one-sided mis-interpretations.

Thanks for ruining my Saturday. And stop typing me emails before I have to fly up—as I did lovingly for your wedding—and kick your sorry ass.

You are about to piss me off.



On Oct 3, 2015, at 5:15 PM, Primo wrote:


If you did not initiate any contact with the insurance company, I am sincerely sorry for going off on you.


  1. Ok. I'm starting to feel sorry for is evident he is a really broken man.

    1. I know. He has to try to tear others down to make himself feel better about trying to do unethical things. It's like the guy accusing his wife of cheating on him, because he's cheating on her.

      I hope this was the point Primo washed his hands of the whole thing.

    2. I have no pity. I have seen too much of his nastiness. I don't think he is evil - he doesn't stomp puppies to death (as far as I know), but he is selfish, mean, and bullying. Those are all characteristics within his control. He chooses to be a jerk.


    3. GD, I mean like so lost in his crap - just think how exhausting it is to be Ted. Has he ever been at a stage of contentment/peace?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. At this point I'll stand in for Primo if Ted to take a couple of swings at me.

    "The lawyer is a junior varsity trust attorney." I maintain this guy is so insecure and, probably a few other things, that he has to insult and tear down other people to make himself feel better.

    I'd guess maybe he was the weaker of the 2 as kids so that Sly and Doris' various unpleasant personality traits stuck to him more than Primo. Somehow Primo managed to escape being a product of his environment.

    1. I'll flip you to see who goes first, bobble. I've never been in a real fight, but people say I can be intimidating, and I've been in a few mosh pits, so I can take a hit. :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Ted and Jack lived with their mother, Sly's first wife. As much as Doris is not my favorite, I think she had a tempering effect on Primo. Everyone who knew her said she used to be a nice person before I met her.

  3. I'm trying to figure out why Ted'sWife's "26 years" (of marriage to Ted, I presume), is in any way relevant to anything.

    1. I KNOW! As if Primo is supposed to regard her as an authority he should recognize and be ashamed of his behavior.

    2. There are some couples who complement each other and help each other to be/do better (Primo and Goldy) and others who just feed each other's neuroses (Ted and wife).

  4. Ted can assess the other lawyer's skills because he watched Perry Mason once.

    He is a toxic asshole. I'm sorry you have to deal with him.

  5. How deeply in debt and close to financial ruin are Ted and his wife (the one of 26 years, not any of the other wives)? He seems desperate. And also he is a bully, but there is a lot of other stuff wrong with him. Are they about to lose their house or something?

    1. Not that we know. They sure act like they have a lot of money.

    2. That's usually how con men act, even when they're in WAY over their heads. Look at Bernie Madoff.

    3. Exactly. I'd guess that they live way above their means and that Sly was helping to fund some of that. (Although perhaps Sly thought he was funding stuff for his grandson or something else, I have a sinking feeling the money was going toward a higher level of living than T/TW could afford.)

  6. Ted is a terrible person and a bully. I feel bad for Primo because he has grown up accepting this sort of thing as normal, and it is not. This emotional abuse hurts Primo because he is a kind person. That's what makes this even more sad is that Ted has done a *good* job picking a target because Primo does get hurt by this.

  7. I am so sorry Primo has to deal with this. I keep thinking how hard it must have been to care for and then to lose both parents in such a short and difficult time frame. What sort of callous person is Ted to see that and then try hard to bully poor Primo and rob Ted'sSon and Jack's kids?

    Primo, you are a good and decent person, based on everything Goldie has written. You deserve kindness and gentleness at such a difficult time. I am so sorry your brother is so wrapped up in himself or his financial difficulties that he is not only not mourning his father, but is making things so much worse for you, when you are mourning both your parents.


    1. And he showed up?? Whoa. What is it about people and weddings? I had at least a couple of people invite themselves to ours. Yikes.

  9. what did I miss? Why is Primo apologizing about Ted contacting the insurance company? I can't wait to see how this turns out! I hope Ted gets his come uppance right soon.

  10. Dear Ted,

    You have already managed to piss me off, so I'm really not much concerned with whether your Saturday is ruined (as you continually did during my vacation and refused to be patient for A SINGLE WEEK), or whether you're about to be pissed off. Your lack of civility in dealing with this entire matter, and your outright accusations of an inability for me to be able to deal with this in a responsible manner are offensive.

    If you want to have phone conversations, you can't yell at me and you can't hang up on me, and you can't go behind my back. You also can't threaten and accuse me of things that make me want to document every word that passes between us for when you bring your continually threatened legal action. As long as you continue to do so, everything we discuss will be via e-mail. And because I no longer trust you AT ALL due to your reactions and handling of this entire matter, I will tape record every conversation.

    Feel free to come up here and attempt to kick my ass. I'll be ready to press assault charges.

    - AC

  11. P.S. I can't think of any worse fiduciary risk than forcing the trust to pay for legal fees to defend against your legal actions in the name of what YOU THINK the trust should be paying for vs the understanding of the trustee and trust lawyer. If you wish to drain the trust in that way, I can't stop you. But you should be aware that doing so is far more likely to damage the trust financially than anything I have done so far, or am likely to do.

    - AC

  12. Ok firstly seems like u have skipped a post or two. Did ted call/email Primo to state / claim innocence about the life insurance claim.

    Secondly thanks for ruining his day. Same guy who called primo 5 times a day even tho Primo stated he is unavailable or was it on holiday?

    Thirdly thanks for this blog. I have managed to diagnose my husband with npd + superiority complex + basically a complete jerk. He is sly plus ted plus a few other assholes all rolled into one.
