Golddigger 101

Friday, September 15, 2017

Ch 11 I’m pretentious and so is Primo but Sly? He is humble

We are watching Jeopardy. I don’t want to watch TV with Sly and Doris. I want to be alone with a book because I have had way too much togetherness with them. Any togetherness with them is too much.

Sly: I’ve always found Alex Trebek to be arrogant.

I can’t resist. This is not an ass-kissing moment and I am flush from my pizelles and broccoli and five times negative five victories.

Me: Pot, meet kettle.

Oh yeah. I am poking the bear.

Primo snickers.

Doris gasps, then laughs for a second, stopping herself with a swift hand to the mouth. She whispers a warning to me, “You'll pay for this.”

Thirty seconds later, Sly, who has been silent since I spoke, turns to Primo and snapped, “You're pretentious. And so is your girlfriend.”

I stifle a laugh and a smart-aleck response. Boy did he tell me.

What. Ever. He can call me pretentious as much as he wants. Just the knowledge of my new power is enough. 

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