Golddigger 101

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

In which I introduce the cast

The purpose of this blog is to give me a place to vent. I have another, semi-public blog that my outlaws may or may not know about. I write as if they do, which really cramps my style. I have to leave out a lot of really good stuff, not because I care about what they think of me any more -- no matter what I do, they are not going to like me -- but because they would make my husband's life miserable and I love him and don't want to put him in that position. They knew about my old journalspace blog and did not like me based on it. You know - because I mentioned things like my religious and political beliefs and they did not match their religious and political beliefs and that's a good enough reason to write someone off, isn't it?

I mean, my mom and my husband do not agree on religion and politics and she can't stand him.*

My outlaws will definitely not know about this blog.

I have been married to my wonderful husband, Primo, since September 2008. His father, Sylvester, and mother, Doris, live far from us - an airplane ride away and not a cheap one but hey we're rolling in cash so it's fine, right?

Primo has two brothers. Jack lives fifteen minutes** from Sly and Doris and Ted lives several states away. Jack cannot do Sly and Doris' chores the same way Primo can, though. No, only Primo is fit to repair the garbage disposal. On Thanksiving. Not even a plumber can do what Primo can. Because if a plumber did it, then there would be less money for other things, like bourbon.

* Not true. My mom*** thinks my husband hung the moon.

** Well, Jack lived 15 minutes from Sly and Doris at the time of the disposal incident. He now lives an hour away, which is still closer than the $300 ticket for one plane ride away that we live.

*** My dad died 12 years ago, but he would have liked Primo, too.


  1. This is a good idea - I'd do it, too...if I had the time. As it is, my existing blog is such a source of contention between me and the spouse I'm thinking about stopping.

  2. Venting is good. I have a feeling I'll be nodding my head a lot..

  3. Hey - my in-laws best friend is named Bourbon too. Small world.

  4. Greetings....I smell the beginnings of a best seller!!! White-Chocolate

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Good for you! From what you've told me so far, this should be quite an interesting site....

  7. Wowza! Thanks for sending the link.

  8. Welcome everyone! I had to negotiate with Primo for a while to get this blog. It is public to everyone but his parents and his friends. He reads it, so be nice. I know you will. :)

  9. Great idea! Venting is good, sometimes just venting makes it all better :-) I found your site through your comment on Chic N Cheap, I look forward to ready your posts!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Oh dear.

    I'm sorry I can't help you with your hair issues because I am too busy reading through this entire blog from the very beginning.

    You know how sometimes you watch a movie and you like the characters and then you find out there is a book and there's SO MUCH MORE STORY there than they put in the movie? That's what this blog is like. :)

  12. Evelynne, you are so sweet! I have seen you at the other place, haven't I? I'm glad to have you here!

  13. My daughter in law hates me, therefore, I haven`t seen my son and granddaughter in over a year. She`s only 2.

    I`m heartbroken.


    1. Beach, I just now saw this comment. Stupid blogger.

      That is so sad. I don't care for my in-laws, but I don't keep Primo from seeing them. I just don't visit them myself.

  14. Hey, if it's still important to keep this blog very, very separate from the other, then you probably want to spellcheck for 'primo' on your other.

    I actually stumbled across this one, after being a fan of the other, reading your comments (and agreeing with them) on yet another blog.

    - Sneezie

    1. Thanks, Sneezie! It's fixed now. I need to be more careful!

  15. Outlaws - I am adopting that name for my inlawas as of now, thank you.

  16. Mother always said that the difference between inlaws and outlaws are that outlaws are wanted. :-)
