Golddigger 101

Thursday, May 20, 2010

In which Primo proves once again that he is The Rememberer (but fortunately he does not hold a grudge)

Primo would be thrilled to change my political affiliations, but he would be even happier to get me to stay up late with him and not get up early.

He would also be thrilled if I would drink with him. Not drink to get drunk, as appealing as that sounds given his family history, but just share a glass of wine at supper.

He maintains I tricked him while we were dating because on our first date date (not the lunch at The Cupboard that he did not pay for), I ordered a glass of wine and actually drank some of it. I don't think I've ordered wine since. Maybe a Pimm's now and then and we tried a chocolate martini which was not too shabby but worth ten dollars I don't think so, but wine? No thanks.

He tricked me by not farting around me before we were married, so I would say we are even.

Anyhow, the Fourth of July to which Primo refers in this email was 2005, I think. He remembers. I do not.

Me: Do we want to get Adrienne a certificate from The Beauty Shop or Bari* or from The Cupboard?**

Primo: Adrienne is getting married, so a certificate for something nicer than the Cupboard is probably appropriate. I liked Bari. Another place I liked a lot was that bistro in the shopping center next to the theaters downtown--Encore, I think.

I don't remember exactly how good the food at the Beauty Shop was, because I was mad at you while we were eating there. It was when I had flown to Springfield to see you for July 4 weekend, and at some point during the meal you told me that you were getting up to go to boot camp at 7:00 the next morning, while I was expecting a lazy morning (with you staying in bed) because it was a holiday. This kind of recollection is why I am "The Rememberer."

Me: Oh Lord have mercy! You were mad so you didn't enjoy the food? You are crazy! Well, it was yummy. Encore is out of business.

Primo: Yes, I was really mad. I thought the holiday was a day for me to spend with you (and with nothing scheduled unless we decided to do something together).

I used to hate it when you got up for anything earlier than 8:30 boot camp or 9:00 classes at the Y. I hate getting up early! (Just as much as you hate staying up late.)

* Fancy restaurants.

** Not so fancy, but our absolute favorite place in Springfield.

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