Golddigger 101

Thursday, March 1, 2012

What do you guys think?

Which pen name do you prefer? Helen Tennesen or Sylvia Stasek?


  1. Helen Tennesen. It sounds kind of Victorian and literary, and the N sounds roll so nicely together: Helennnnn Tennnnnesennnnnn.

  2. Helen Tennesen, if only because Sylvia makes you sound like an aging 50s housewife. As in, "Aunt Sylvia is coming for dinner and she's bringing her snickers salad."

  3. Oh, I'm going against the crowd. Sylvia Stasek. But either way, I like what you did there.

    1. Rats. Now I'll have to decide myself. Sure, it's two to one for Helen, but the sample size is too small to be valid.

  4. Helen. But I don't love Tennesen. It looks like someone misspelled Tennessee. I hate Sylvia.

  5. Helen Mirren played Jane Tennison in the original Prime Suspect [].

  6. OK. More opinions. I might have to throw in a third name.

  7. I rather like Helen Stasek.

  8. I rather like Helen Stasek as well.

  9. I rather like Helen Stasek as well.

  10. All right, SUZANNE and Suzanne's collaborator! We already know that Helen Stasek works. :)

  11. Assuming this is going to sell, it comes down to public appearances and not disappointing the crowd. So - do you look English or do you look Eastern European? (This is why I didn't change my last name when I got married.) I think both first names are better suited for the author of a series of books on crochet.

    1. I am a northern/western European mutt. I might have to go with Liz Lindemann.

      PS I so wish I hadn't changed my name when I married. I didn't think it through at all. I am not philosophically opposed to the practice, but I didn't realize how attached I was to MY name and how much I really disliked Sly and Doris. If Primo drops dead, the first thing I'm going to do, even before selling everything and moving south, is change my name back.
