Golddigger 101

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sunday Aug 5 I ask my friends for money

I wrote this on my facebook page this morning:

If you are someone who gives money to political candidates, perhaps you would like to give some to Primo's campaign. [link to his campaign site] Even though I disagree with him on almost every issue, I can promise he is honest and will work hard for all of his constituents.

Let's see if it does any good. Nobody is obligated, of course, but for all the times that I have supported my friends' various causes, I wouldn't mind a little reciprocity, especially from the ones who share Primo's political persuasions. I told Primo that I was only doing this once.


  1. Yes, a little reciprocity would be nice - but unlikely! Did anyone cough up any donations?

    1. You know, some of them did. I shouldn't complain. And the ones who did were so very generous.

  2. Given your differing views, i think this was incredibly nice of you. I hope he sent you a thank younote ... ;-)

    1. Yeah, that's what I think! Although I targeted only my friends who share Primo's views. But even so...

  3. You are such a good wife. I am a solid Paisley, and I would have a hard time soliciting funds for a Plaid candidate (let alone being married to one), because I find most of that party's views antithetical to the things I hold dear.

    I'm proud of you.

    1. Thank you, Alicia! This whole experience was not easy. (Although fortunately, Primo and I agree on many of the big social issues. I would have a hard time with someone who was hardcore opposite of me on abortion, the death penalty, etc.)
