Golddigger 101

Friday, January 11, 2013

Sunday July 1 Last minute political event

1:10 p.m. Primo comes downstairs: Samantha just put something on my calendar: a meet and greet for Tabitha Smith [a big Polka Dot who is running for the U.S. Senate]. It's here, in our neighborhood.

Me: I guess that's something you'll need to attend.

Primo: It's right now. It's from 1:00 to 2:30.

Me: It's already started?

Primo: Yes. A little warning would have been nice.

Me: I guess you'd better get your butt into the shower.

Primo: She could have emailed.

Me: I guess she doesn't know that you don't take a shower unless you are going someplace where you have to be showered.


  1. **snort**

    I just google "Tabitha Smith" to find out a bit more about her.

    Well done.


    1. Alicia, I just googled as well. Serendipity!

    2. So that's pure coincidence? Too funny.
