Golddigger 101

Monday, January 28, 2013

Thursday August 2 Household chores

I asked Primo what he did today. (That he was so busy that he couldn't water my flowers as I emailed him and asked him to do. I noticed as I was leaving for work that they looked thirsty. I didn't have time to water them last night because I came home from work and went to a meeting at city hall that lasted until almost 11.)

1. He went to a press conference about Stripes supporting Polka Dot candidates who agree with them on the school voucher issue.

2. He went to a restaurant to talk about having his campaign launch party there.

3. He went to Joseph Banks to pick up his new suit, the one he didn't thank God make me help him pick out. We do not shop well together. It takes him 20 minutes to pick out bacon. He has to examine every package to find the optimal fat/lean ratio.

4. He went to the state fair to drop off campaign literature at the Polka Dot booth.

5. He came home, fed the cats, and then went to a neighborhood free concert. "I talked to at least 30 people," he said. "Some of them said they wouldn't vote for me, but they were nice." He sounded surprised when he said that, which is annoying. I get tired of the implication that those of us who disagree with him are mean and bad. Reasonable people can disagree, you know.

I pointed out that he could have watered the flowers anyhow and he said that he had scooped the cat box, made the bed, and done the dishes and wasn't that enough?

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