Golddigger 101

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday July 18 We fight about editing Primo's drop-off literature

Primo and I got into a fight over his campaign literature. The graphic artist and Samantha put together a flyer. I made the mistake of expressing my opinion on some of the language. I should have kept my big mouth shut, because telling Primo that I didn't like the punctuation led to this conversation:

Primo: Why don't you like it?

Me: I just don't. And I don't like the way you use "I" to start all those sentences.

Primo: Why not?

Me: Because that's my preference. But if you want to do it that way, that's fine.

Primo: No! It's not! You need to convince me that you're right!

Me: I don't care about convincing you that I'm right. I don't care how you do it.

Primo: But it has to be right.

Me: I. Don't. Care. Do it your way. It's past 10. I want to go to bed.

Primo: Why is my way wrong?

Me: It's not a right or wrong thing. It's a matter of preference. I have different preferences from you. God, why did I even say anything?

Primo is a maximizer. I am satisficer. That is, I decide what my criteria are before I make a decision, then stop once I have satisfied my conditions. Primo, on the other hand, is a maximizer. He has to evaluate every possible approach or package of bacon or container of milk to be sure that he is getting the best possible outcome.

As you might imagine, he and I do not shop well together.

Lord have mercy, he just told me that Joseph Bank has suits on sale and he thinks he should buy one. What if he wants me to go with him? I do not want to spend seven hours shopping for a suit for him.

We argued for 20 minutes until exhausted, we stopped. I kept trying to yield to his view, but the man cannot take yes for an answer. You'd think I would have learned by now.

Fortunately, we did not have to argue much over his website, as we both were appalled by Samantha's draft stating that he wants to "grow the economy." Some things, people on both sides can agree on. "Grow" used that way sets my teeth on edge.


  1. It's a shame you have had to go back to work - I think you'd do a much better job than Samantha.

    1. So do I. I barely earned enough to cover what we paid her, too!

      Well, not really. I more than covered what we paid her. But I would like the money back because she didn't do anything.
