Golddigger 101

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Sat Aug 11 I go to a fundraiser with Primo

Last night, I went to a fundraiser with Primo. It was for this guy, Steve, who is running in a Polka Dot primary on Tuesday against seven other Polka Dots. There will be no Stripes candidate in November, so whoever wins the primary will win the seat. Unless there would be a massive write-in campaign for someone else, which is not likely.

The fundraiser was held in an old railway car down at the intermodal station, a place where some city officials are holding out for a white tablecloth restaurant to open so they don't have to give a license to someone like Subway. They've been waiting for years, but amazingly, no nice restaurant has said, "We would really like to open a location at the train/bus station because when people think of Greyhound and Amtrak, they think of fine dining."

In the meantime, they did authorize letting someone install one of those stupid machines where you manipulate a mechanical claw to try to get cheap prizes.

There is no place to get anything to eat there.

So. Fundraiser in an old rail car. Which was kind of cool, except the food was hard to get to and the windows didn't open and the a/c couldn't keep up with the number of people.

The candidate made a little speech off the end of the railcar. He had Primo stand up there with him. I took a lot of photos, but then realized that the sign with the word "Occupy" was showing in all the photos. The sign might be some railroad-required thing. I don't know. I just know there was a sign that said "Occupy" attached to the rail.

So the photos are useless because what candidate is going to be helped by posing next to the words "Occupy?"

Maybe I can crop the sign out.

The event was long and the food was not that good, but I ate anyhow because I was starving. Then I stood next to Primo while he had a long conversation with a guy. I kept my mouth shut even though I thought everything they were saying was wrong, wrong, wrong. When Primo walked away to get something to drink, the guy finally acknowledged me. That's when we had an interesting discussion about public transportation, abortion, and health insurance. Once I outed myself as a Stripe and once I realized he was not someone influential who could hurt (or help), I felt just fine disagreeing with him.


  1. It must be difficult being so strongly opposed to Primo politically and yet supportive. I'm not looking for bloodshed, but is there a Stripe seat you could run for? Kidding.

    1. Funny! We were at some political thing and Primo introduced me to a woman, who handed me her card and told me that she did training for women who want to run. "We really need more women in politics," she said. "You should run!"

      I very politely told her I was pretty sure that she did not want me to run.
