Golddigger 101

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sunday Aug 19 To strike or not to strike

Primo and I disagree about the appropriate way for him to spend his campaign time.

Let me offer you a scenario and you decide.

Primo could

1. do doors in his district or

2. Go stand in a picket line with a bunch of illegal aliens who want to unionize at a small pickle factory where they make $12 an hour plus benefits for stuffing cucumbers in jars, which I don't think anyone would argue is skilled labor deserving of high compensation. These illegal aliens do not live in his district. Even if they did, they could not (legally) vote. The factory is not in his district. The voters in his district are probably more concerned with tuition increases at the state university, where they hope to send their children, than they are with the plight of allegedly underpaid illegal aliens.

What do you think he should do?


  1. Hmmm...I'd tell them to stuff their cucumbers elsewhere, and encourage Primo to concentrate on people who can (and might!) legally vote for him.

    1. Yeah - supporting illegal immigrants on strike in another district does not seem strategically wise to me, but then I am not a PD.

  2. $12 an hour? And, they are complaining? Sorry, guys, i'm all for raising the minimum, but that's a decent rate. We pay many of our employees less and they semm happy with it.

    He needs to knock on doors

    1. I know! For unskilled labor in an inexpensive place to live!

  3. For campaign purposes, doors. If he felt personally connected to helping them unionize, by all means go to the rally, but unless there are a ton of Polka Dots there where he'd be earning brownie points *that he could cash in on later,* it's not a campaign thing.

    I think this is a slippery slope for a lot of 'public' jobs - when there are public events that you like, you want to do it as part of your work, even when it's outside of your scope, and really just something you want to support. And I think unions are awesome, and it's a great thing to help out with! It's just rather tangential to the campaign.

    What did he choose?

    1. Exactly! He needed to focus on activities that would win the election.

      He went there for an hour.
