Golddigger 101

Monday, March 18, 2013

Sunday Oct 7 Primo's weekly report

Ralph, Potsie,

The Gold Digger helped me for most of the weekend (with data entry, sign assembly and list maintenance, volunteer contacts, and more than three hours of doors after the game today).
  • Between Thursday night and Saturday morning, Smith [Primo's opponent] signs went up all over the district (including a few in my neighborhood, which he visited after I was in his neighborhood).  Therefore, I spent some time delivering signs to my neighborhood supporters (this afternoon) and a few people in Watertown, especially the few locations I have on busy streets (yesterday).  I was delivering signs, not dropping lit, during the game today.
  • Mayfield ward 22 is actually a pretty good area for me, and I had quite a few 1's (along with five new locations for yard signs, which are already planted) from my walk this afternoon/evening.  That is a lot better than dropping lit and marking everyone as not home.  Assuming that we'll be in a rush to cover turf toward the end of the campaign, I probably will plan to use the time during the remaining Sunday afternoon football games to drop lit.
  • Assuming that Geri, my volunteer, was able to complete her piece of turf (or will complete it tomorrow; the Gold Digger will check with her), we should have ward 22 completed by the end of tomorrow, after I spend another full day on it.  With a couple of brief events in addition to doors yesterday and the game today, it wasn't possible to finish that ward by today.  I will be ready for more turf on Tuesday.
  • The Gold Digger has been contacting volunteers.  She has had limited success so far, but I'll be working on this as well and we should have a few people to do some doors soon.  Also, RH confirmed that he will get some volunteers from ABC to canvass for me next Saturday (10/13).  The bad news is that one of my prospective volunteers (and one of the few from Watertown, who seemed really excited about my campaign when I met him) has developed a kidney problem and won't be able to help.
  • Data entry is probably 85-90% done.  I still need to recreate a few lists from Watertown ward 4 (or get access to Cindy's lists), and there may be one or two other stray lists that haven't been entered yet.  From now on, we should have data entry done within a few days of completing any walk list.
  • It is good to be working in Mayfield.  The houses are closer together, and I should be able to do 120 doors a day if I stay focused.  I am in very good shape at this point and have good endurance after I get myself going.  It's getting out there each day that's hard; my legs feel like lead when I wake up, even after nights when I get (what should be) enough sleep!
I'll see you guys at Perktown in the morning.



  1. So, what do Ralph & Potsie actually do with this information?

    1. Darned if I know. Maybe it was more to keep Primo accountable.
