Golddigger 101

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wed Oct 17 Lonely old ladies‏

Primo: That old lady I met last night who wanted to show me her JFK memorabilia collection?

Me: Yes.

Primo: She's called me three times since last night!

Me: Oh no.

Primo: She wants me to come see her Frank Sinatra stuff and she's telling me about the Presidential exhibit at the main library.

Me: Bless her heart.

Primo: She's lonely.

Me: And she thinks you're that nice young man who came to her door. 

Primo: I don't really have time to talk to her! But her phone number comes in as "unknown," so I can't screen her calls.

Me: Why don't you invite her to the fundraiser on Saturday?

Primo: She's really weird. And she reeks of cigarette smoke.

Me: Good reasons.

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