Golddigger 101

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Wednesday Nov 7 The concession

What Primo posted on his facebook page after he and Mark Smith spoke:

To my family, friends, campaign staff, volunteers, donors, and the more than 14,000 voters who cast ballots for me: Thank you! Although yesterday's result was not what we hoped for, it was a good showing in a very difficult district against a worthy opponent. I am proud of this accomplishment, and it would not have been possible without your support and encouragement. I've received many messages of thanks and sympathy that are truly appreciated. I intend to respond to each message, but it may take me a little while to catch up!

Mark Smith worked hard, ran a clean campaign, and earned his victory along with my respect. Although we disagree on many issues, he is a good man and we share some common ground. He and I have spoken today, and we've agreed to meet soon for a social visit. Especially because the (very well-received) theme of my campaign was working together, I suggest that we all try to work with Mark and ask him to help create a more civil and cooperative atmosphere in the capitol when the new legislative session begins.

What Mark posted on Primo's page:

Primo -- you ran an impressive campaign. It was a pleasure to get to know you over the course of the race and I look forward to meeting up with you for a beer.

Unlike · · November 7 at 9:51am
  • You, Lauren  and 5 others like this.
  • Primo Thank you, Mark. You're a good man and an impressive politician; you worked hard and earned my respect along with your victory. Thank you for running a clean and positive campaign. As you said on the phone, "it's nice to run against a gentleman." Congratulations!


  1. Not surprising that Primo is as good a person as he was a candidate. He should have been proud of his performance.
