Golddigger 101

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Wednesday Oct 31 Crankiness abounds‏

I tried to call Primo on my way to the gym at lunch, as is my habit, but he didn't answer the phone.

I tried calling him again on my way back from the gym.

Still no answer.

So I assumed he was dead.

But then I went into the campaign email account and saw that he had sent emails and was getting an early start on doors.

He was just ignoring me.

Still, I had to ask him some questions so I could get the volunteers organized. I called again and reached him and he was a cranky butt.

"I'm tired of doing doors!" he said. "I just want this to be over!"

Me, too.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe he was just so overcome with gratitude for all you've done for him that he couldn't speak! Maybe.
