Golddigger 101

Thursday, November 27, 2014

In which we spend a blissfully alone Thanksgiving

Primo: I need to call.

Me: Call what?

Primo: Call my mom and dad.

Me: But you called on Tuesday!

Primo: But today is Thanksgiving. I have to call.

Me: Fine. Get it over with. I have season one of House of Cards. Don't you want to watch?

Primo: Yes. But first I have to fold my clothes.

Me: It's Thanksgiving! You're allowed to be sloppy!

Primo: I like it when it's tidy.

Me: Me, too, but you are doing this to avoid calling.

Primo: I have to call.

Me: So call.

Primo: They'll want to know when I'm coming.

Me: You were just there! You were there in October!

Primo: They'll want to know when I'm coming.

Me: Ask them to look at the weather report for Hell.

Primo: What?

Me: Is it going to freeze?

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