Golddigger 101

Monday, December 22, 2014

If you need a gift for someone who is chic or who wants to be chic

think about my friend Tish, who writes her fabulous blog A Femme d'Un Certain Age, and who wrote a lovely little book about being chic, Forever Chic.

I don't get paid for this endorsement and I bought my own copy of the book. I say this only because Tish is my friend, I like her blog, and I liked her book. You might, too.

PS I am a chic wanabee. I have not yet mastered the art. They would never hire me to be the style editor for the International Herald Tribune, as they did Tish.


  1. Didn't remember who introduced me to Tish, so am happy to know it was you;. Her book is so good! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  2. How fun! Thanks for the recommendation.

  3. Our library system has copies of this book. I am checking out a copy today!
