Golddigger 101

Friday, December 26, 2014

In which we see the Ceramic Cat of Many Colors, the Cast-Iron Cat, and a real cat

You guys, I do not make stuff up. I wish what I wrote here was fiction, but it is not.

I guess the Cast-Iron Cat is not life sized - but it is close. Close enough for blog truth. Close enough in spirit for sure.


  1. There are no words! Hope the cat wasn't your ONLY gift!

    1. Tricia, it was our only gift from Sly and Doris. Thank goodness. I don't think I could take another set of nesting tables or another tropical plant. It will be hard enough to write the thank-you note for this. (Actually, I might delegate that to Primo. They are his parents, after all.)

    2. Oh no you don't! If you make Primo write the thank you it will be yet another example of your egregious behavior that Sly will throw at you for the next 10 years! It's got to be you - it's a wife task! good luck!

    3. Dang, Webb. What do I say? "Thank you for sending us yet another worthless knick knack that has to be dusted and that I did not want?"

  2. Ooh, I dunno. At that size the ceramic cat is almost cute. Except that the pattern around the eyes makes it look like a weird cat-owl hybrid.

    1. Yeah, it's not the worst thing we have ever gotten from them. At least it's small enough to sit on Primo's desk, where I never have to see it. It's more the context - that we have had The Gift conversation so many times and she is unswayed by our wishes (ie, NO STUFF).

    2. I was picturing the ceramic cat at life-sized and that was a terrifiying thought.

      My brother-in-law gave us a bottle of dry red wine. My SO does not drink wine, I don't drink dry wine. And of course, we'd all also agreed not to exchange gifts.

      It came wearing a small Santa hat though, which I will make VERY GOOD USE OF once I get Mo to sit still.

    3. At least wine can be re-gifted. The hat can be retained, of course.

  3. I love the cast iron cat! Am I weird?

    1. Not at all! My MIL has one as a doorstop, and it's kinda cute, nicer than just a rubber wedge IMO.

    2. Not weird to like the cat. I just would rather have something that does not have to be dusted. And I would really like Doris to pay attention when we tell her that we do not want STUFF.

  4. Yay, thank you for posting the photo! What an adorable (real) cat!

    Do you have a garden? The cast-iron cat looks like a garden ornament, I would just dump it in a corner of the garden to blend in.

    1. The real cat is a sweetie. I hadn't thought of putting the cast-iron cat in the garden. That is not a bad idea!

  5. How is that glass pear doing?

    1. I had COMPLETELY forgotten about the glass pear! I returned it, you know, and the was Drama. Lord have mercy.
