Golddigger 101

Sunday, March 8, 2015

In which Primo maintains that politics is not a hobby and I say that it is

I say that politics is definitely a hobby when it comes to determining who is responsible for doing the housework, especially if the party of the first part - Primo - is going to quit his perfectly good job to campaign, leaving the party of the second part - me - to earn all the money in the house.

He gets all indignant when I say that politics is a hobby and that he, as the stay at home spouse, will be in charge of cleaning the bathroom and doing the laundry and washing the kitchen floor and buying the food and making supper.

He gets all huffy and says that politics is Important and it's a Cause and I say it's all bullshit and all I want the government to do is make sure the roads and schools are good and to stay out of my life unless it is going to clean my house.

I say unless your cause comes with dental and a 401k, it's a hobby.


  1. Until his politics has a paycheck attached ... it's a hobby. And anyway, how many hours of the day can one spend on politics? More than two and anyone would be exhausted. He should welcome the housework as something important to do.

    1. At least with housework, if you put in some effort, you are guaranteed to see a good result!

      Webb, you would be amazed (and depressed) at how much time some people can spend on politics.

  2. Less talk, more cleaning Primo!

  3. There is nothing written that precludes a man from engaging in politics AND in vacuuming at the same time, is there? I don't know, I'm not a lawyer.

    1. Yeah, I don't think it's illegal. I will have to write to Alison at Ask a Manager. :)

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