Golddigger 101

Sunday, July 19, 2015

In which Sly informs Primo that their social life would not improve in a retirement community because people find Sly and Doris "intimidating"

Primo brought up to his dad that he thought Doris might be happier in a retirement community.

"She could meet people for coffee, she could play cards, she could be in a book club," he said to Sly.

Sly shook his head. "Your mother and I intimidate people."

When Primo told me this story, I said, "It's a good thing we don't know any smart people. Or we might be really intimidated."

Primo agreed. "Our friends must all be not smart. Otherwise, we would not want to be friends with them."

"And we must not be smart, either, or nobody would want to be friends with us."

We are very lucky that we are not smart and our friends are not smart. We would be lonely indeed if there were nothing but intimidating people around us.


  1. Be that as it may, Sly and Doris need to have A Plan, and that Plan cannot be that Primo keeps dropping everything to attend to them. The lack of A Plan is worrisome.

    1. But Lauren! That IS their plan!

    2. Well, yes, I have read this blog since you started it, so I'm well aware that this IS their plan, but it was never your or Primo's plan. :)

      At this point, their lack of a plan is a plan, and failing to plan does not actually count as planning unless you're Bertha and really not even then and how does Primo get stuck with both parents AND an ex-wife who refuse to plan and make him pick up the pieces?

    3. Nope. It was not our plan. I don't know how Primo gets stuck with this and I wish he would detach some but I have as yet been unable to convince him. :(

      Is this Lauren my IRL RPCV friend?

    4. Nope! I wish we were IRL friends, because Primo and his parents and my husband and his grandmother have similarities.

    5. Me, too, online Lauren! It would be helpful for us to have a support group!

    to overawe or cow, as through the force of personality or by superior display of wealth, talent, etc. 3. to force into or deter from some action by inducing fear: to intimidate a voter into staying away from the polls.

    What do you know. Sly is right, he (and by extension Doris) is pretty fricking scary. Although not by virtue of extreme wit or wealth.

    1. Nope. :) By virtue of being a jerk!

  3. It baffles me that he can actually believe everyone else has a problem and not think the problem might be himself.

    1. I read an article online about "If everyone else is an idiot, maybe you're the jerk." But then, Sly is not good at math at all.

  4. I hate them more every time I read a post about them. And I'm not as big a fan of Primo as I used to be when I first started reading here, either.

  5. Agree with above anon! Primo sounds like a sucker for drama. I think he actually enjoys being in such situations. Otherwise which 40+ year old agrees to be manipulated this way???
