Primo: So my friend John really wants to start a beer bar.
Me: That's nice.
Primo: I am really interested in working with him on it.
Me: We are not going to invest money in a beer bar.
Primo: Why not?
Me: Because most small businesses fail. Because restaurants are even more risky than most small businesses. How much money did your parents lose on Jack's restaurant?
Primo: That's different. You are using my parents as an example of what not to do. I would not do it wrong like they did.
Me: We spent $20,000 on your campaign.
Primo: See, that's what I would be talking about - not the $200,000 my parents lost on the restaurant.
Me: Are. You. Kidding. Me? You really think it would be a good idea TO BLOW TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ON A BAR?
Primo: Who says it would be blown?
Me: Oh. My. God.
Primo: It could work.
Me: If I am going to blow twenty grand, I am going to get plastic surgery or take some fabulous trips.
Primo: It's just an idea.
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