Golddigger 101

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

In which Sly, the smartest man in the world, cannot figure out where any laundry but his goes

Message from Primo:
I just tried to put away several weeks' worth of laundry. My dad has been doing the laundry, but he doesn't know where to put the clean laundry (other than his own clothes).


  1. This doesn't actually surprise me. Years ago my husband and I visited a friend while he wife was off visiting her mother. I needed to do some laundry (3 yr old with us). I found an interesting assortment of clothes in the washer. I don't know if friend planned on washing them together or was using the machine as a laundry basket. This is a guy who lived on his own long enough to do all the household chores but I figured once he got married it was now on the wife.

    1. My cousin Angie married a guy when her children were in high school. I don't think her husband had any kids. He did his own laundry and ignored everyone else's. She made dinner the next night for herself and her children, but nothing for him.

      He got the point.

    2. OMG I should totally do that. Except then Hubby would go drive somewhere to get nice restaurant food and bring it back to eat in front of us. :(

  2. Wait...what? I mean, I put away my own clothes and my husband puts away his, but if something happened, I would be able to open drawers to find out where to put things. It may not be in the exact order that he likes it, but like will be with like, at least. Are there other places to put clothes other than behind doors or in drawers or on shelves that I don't know about and that makes it harder to figure out? (I suppose with the weeks' worth comment, maybe all of her clothes were dirty or something. But that's the only way I can think of that makes sense to not be able to figure it out...)

    1. Yeah, it's not rocket science! And they did share a closet. And if it doesn't go in your own dresser, then it probably goes in your wife's dresser?

      And hadn't he even observed her getting clothes from her dresser or the closet over the past oh FIFTY YEARS?
