Golddigger 101

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Comments du jour: I am a narcissistic, disrespectful, selfish, deranged junkie - excuse me while I toss my imitrex and birth control pills

Oh you guys - I have to share these with you. I think Doris is reading my blog and commenting from heaven. Or it could be Sly. Sly thinks I am disrespectful.

I have to assume both comments come from the same person.

After this post, there was this:

I have been reading your blog, and you sound like a drama queen with no respect for elders. You are a bit deranged, and on too many drugs. I'd say you are narcissistic.

And in response to this post,

You are a mean , self centered person with no respect for elders. It is a nice gesture for his parents to send you gifts. Also, the fact that you want them to pay for your plane tickets to visit his own parents shows how selfish you are. No wonder you only have 78 readers.


  1. To me you appear pretty normal. When presents are involved some people can get a bit nuts. I say you accept the present graciously and then do what you want with it.
    A present should be given/received in a spirit of affection not as an obligation.

    1. Yeah, I wish I had handled the presents differently - just lied on the thank-you notes (which I had been doing, although Doris did complain about my notes), and never have Primo discuss the issue with them. Everything could have gone straight to Goodwill. But it was so frustrating that they would then turn around and tell Primo exactly what to buy for them! They never wanted anything inexpensive (ie, under $100). Oh well. Not a problem now, probably.

  2. The person you quoted has poor reading comprehension skills. Geesh. You are neither a drama queen nor narcissistic. That would be your in-laws. Enforcing boundaries with toxic people is necessary.

    You are a good person and a great writer. (Us normal people agree.)

    1. Thank you, Luisa! I think I am pretty normal, too, but when you get around people like Sly and Doris, you wonder - AM I doing something wrong?

  3. Better to vent harmlessly here (and very amusingly, too) than to engage with your inlaws. Many of us have family members whose antics become humorous stories. But that doesn't mean we don't with they could change.

    1. Sprky, I truly would like to have a good relationship with Sly and Doris (RIP). But yeah - not sure how I would need to change (other than becoming a cringing sycophant) for that to work and I can't change them.

    2. And you would probably have to be a major enabler as well.

  4. And the commenter forgot to say that I am A Bad Bacon Eater!

  5. PS I have a lot more than 78 readers.

  6. Don't feed the ugly little trolls. :(

    1. I know, but I kind of feel like I've arrived, y'all! I have reached a blogging point where I HAVE TROLLS! I have never had them before!

  7. I agree with Anon above. Block. Ignore. Don't give them space. Don't feed the trolls.


    1. I know, I know. But those comments were so funny!

  8. ditto all of the above.

    people, mostly women, who have good relationships with their in-laws are incredibly lucky. my MIL disliked her son, and apparently me (perhaps for marrying him?), but who did she call when she needed someone to come live with her in her dotage? not her only daughter.

    and then to whom did she leave her estatè? not her son.

    sometimes you just can't win. keep on venting.

    1. Webb, of course your MIL disliked you. You were taking the love that her son should have been giving her. What a mess - I would like to hear more of your story if you would like to share it. Maybe we need to have an open forum Friday like Alison and Carolyn Hax do where everyone shares their crazy stories!

    2. I have a doozy...

  9. Ahahaha that person is hillarious. Unfortuantely I think she might be the Doris to some other Sly in real life. I feel bad for HER daughter in law(s).

    1. Emily, I had a friend at the gym - an older lady - who said that her MIL had been so mean to her that she vowed that she would never be like that. "I want my sons' wives to love me and to want to spend time with us," she said. "So I have always bent over backwards with them."

      "Did it work?" I asked.

      She smiled. "Yes. They all married lovely women and we all get along great."

      It can be done.

  10. Reading these "in order" I thought this was going to be Sly's response to your kind attempt to repair things.
    If it were that (still may be, I know), you should punch him in the gonads and exeunt stage left, sweeping your imaginary cape over you shoulder triumphantly.
    That would be a good response to this idiot commenter too. J xx

    1. J, I love your stage directions! I triumph over evil....

  11. I think you commenter is on the mark. It seems to be all about your comfort! You put your husband in a terrible position. I have thought for a long time that you might be jealous of Sly and Doris in Primo's life. Too bad Primo isn't home to clean your house!! Too bad you are working and Primo isn't! Quit putting Primo in the middle of everything and be more respectful of the dead. Try some compassion in your dealings with the situation. And Primo, quit telling Goldie about the mean things that are said about her. You only give her ammunition!

    1. With a comment like that, it's no wonder you think bullies should be above reproach or consequence.

  12. Goldie, You are great! If we lived near each other, I know that we'd be friends. You are really a good person to tolerate in-laws like Sly & Doris. I have a brother and sis-in-law who are my family's version of S & D, so I can really relate to you!

  13. I laugh and point at those trolls and at "Unknown" commentor above! I also wonder where people get so much time to read and make rude, delusional comments about things they dislike that are written by strangers for whom they have so much contempt. I'm genuinely interested because, seriously, how many of us have time to read even media that we like??!!
