Golddigger 101

Monday, October 26, 2015

In which I turn down the opportunity to mingle my clothes with Sly's urine-soaked clothes

Primo: Would you like me to put some of your clothes in with my dad's pee-soaked clothes?

Me: No.

Primo: Oh pew! They stink! Should I do this in hot water?

Me: For sure.

Primo: I can add your clothes if you want.

Me: Nope.


  1. Poor Primo, Mr. Efficiency.

  2. Does the rehab place not do laundry in their big industrial sanitizing washers and dryers for the residents? I'm also seconding (thirding, nthing) the question of why no one put him in adult diapers.

    1. I do not know! I think they do laundry, but Sly's clothes would have to be labeled.

  3. Ditto both those questions. You might have to pay extra for some laundry, but apparently Sly has it. And, i am surprised the rehab facility is not demanding adult diapers. They are not awful anymore.

    1. I would wear diapers rather than inconvenience my family.

  4. Eh. I get this. My grandfather refused to wear the Depends for a long time too. There’s a lot of pride tied up in bladder control. He tried all sorts of things to get around it – like reducing his liquid intake so he’d have to pee less, and other things I will not describe as TMI.

    It has to reach the tipping point of Sly being tired of wetting himself and/or others refusing to continue to clean up after him if he won’t wear the Depends.

    My poor husband though. Shortly after my grandfather gave up the fight, my husband went to cut his hair for him, and in the middle of the haircut, Grampa said “Guess what I’m doing?” and my husband said “?” and Grampa proudly gleefully announced “I’m watering the flowers!”

    So – I’m telling that story because c’mon, it’s amusing. But also to say “be prepared”.

    - Anonymous Cat

    1. Sly has not been drinking enough water, but that's because he does not like the water at the rehab center. Good. Grief.

      Your grandpa. That's funny. :)

  5. It's clear you've never been through potty training a toddler. Many pee soaked items in our regular laundry. FYI, baking soda is a wonderful laundry deodorizer.

    1. No, I have not, Becky! Maybe I wouldn't mind the pee so much if I were related to it? That's good info on the baking soda. Thank you.

  6. Goldie, my mother in law did not like the water at her care facility, so her sister used to bring her cases of bottled water. And she was offended when the staff offered her water with ice cubes in it. Some people are just very high maintenance...

    1. Emma, I have to say I side with your MIL on this one. :) I hate ice cubes and I get annoyed when I ask for water at a restaurant without ice cubes and they still bring ice water. However, I am not nasty about it. :) (And if I am really thirsty, I do not care if I have the Good Water.)

  7. Sly needs a diaper service! The thought of mingling your clothes with his makes me gag!

    1. Yep. Me, too. I know I am an uncharitable bitch. Oh well.
