Golddigger 101

Saturday, November 14, 2015

In which Jack brings the girls over and cooks dinner for Primo

Which I think is a really nice thing to do.

They all tell Primo he should go on vacation. He is not sure - it doesn't feel right to go on vacation right after your dad dies.

I vote with Jack and the girls - Primo needs a break and there are not rules on this.

My sister brought some crab dip mix with her when she and her husband visited last week. I had noticed a can of crab in the fridge at Sly and Doris'. I ask Primo to bring it home with him.

Is that weird?

Or just practical?


  1. Practical. I brought back garlic powder after my mother-in-law passed.

  2. Weird but normal-for-engineer-brain, so probably not a big deal. 8•)

    - AC

    1. AC, it was my brain, but I do have a bit of engineer brain, too! I also have a We Do Not Waste Brain.

  3. P.S. 5 bucks says the reason Primo doesn't think it sounds right is because he's been sitting there saying "if it happens, then I/we can go" and it feels weirdly horrible to be able to go because it happened. Like being rewarded for something bad happening. As if you wanted it to happen so you could have that reward. Which might have flown through your mind in one of those moments of weakness and argghness. Which is so *very* human and understandable. And then it feels even worse for it to become reality even when the truth is that you tried really hard to prevent it.

    1. Yes, Cat, that is it exactly! And now, months later, he feels guilty for feeling relieved.

    2. He's not alone. My birth mom was very difficult to deal with and the truth is that it just IS a relief not to have to deal with her anymore. I've managed to find that more sad-inducing than guilt-inducing. Probably because I had my share of guilt trips from her and I'd learned how to view it all very very differently. I hope that he can come to some peace about it.

      - AC

  4. The small scissors that I used to trim my eyebrows had broken right before we cleaned out my uncle's home after his death. I took his scissors, as I needed a pair and he didn't anymore and they were there. I think he used them on his mustache. I swabbed them with alcohol and still use them today. If that is weird, let's blame grief.

    What happened to the cats? I hope they went to a good home.

    And that you and Primo were able to take a really relaxing vacation.

    1. Plus you saved a trip to the store, so it's a win all over!

      Cats were not addressed in the will, although Primo had asked Sly repeatedly what was supposed to happen to them. Sly told Primo that Primo could take them, which of course is not a solution.

  5. Don't do it!!

    1. But I didn't even eat the Salmon Mousse! (For Primo's birthday the first year after I met him, I made him a big plate at one of those pottery paint your own places that said, "But I didn't even eat the Salmon Mousse!")

  6. I've been wondering about the Awful Cats too...
