Golddigger 101

Thursday, December 3, 2015

In which Ted claims that he has spent 100 hours writing Sly's eulogy

Primo: Ted wasn't too bad today. He didn't talk about the estate.

Me: Good.

Primo: We just talked about the service and dinner.

Me: And?

Primo: He said he has written a thousand-word eulogy.

Me: Oh man.

Primo: And has prepared a two-sided page of poetry to read.

Me: Oh man.

Primo: He said he has spent one hundred hours writing it.

Me: So eight hours a day since your dad died?

Primo: Pretty much.

Me: I don't believe that.

Primo: Ted is full of crap.


  1. No film retrospective of Sly's life?!

    1. Holy smoke - I didn't even think of that! It would have been PERFECT!

    2. Surely that is why they were saving those freaky pictures? :p

  2. Emma took the words right out of my mouth.

    All that is left to say is, I love Ted.

  3. So none of these hours were available during Sly's last days?
    That's when Primo desperately needed assistance, right?

    It's amazing how selfishness works.

    1. I think you misunderstand. Ted didn't say those were the hours he's worked on it SINCE Sly died. He said that's how many hours he's put into it. This is why he was too busy to help before.

      - AC

    2. Oh I get it alright.
      But seriously, prior to creating this document you couldn't spare 2hours to give Primo a break?

    3. Oh I get it alright.
      But seriously, prior to creating this document you couldn't spare 2hours to give Primo a break?

  4. Ten words an hour? Now i know why he is a filmmaker and not a writer.

    1. *Snort* I hadn't done the math! Oh man, that is too good. So this is gonna be the Best Eulogy Ever for Smartest Man in the World!
      Long Live Ted!
