Golddigger 101

Thursday, January 21, 2016

In which Primo jokes about Sly's porn and we agree that Sly was a jerk

Primo: Should I bring home any of my dad's porn books?

Me: The idea of sharing anything sexual with your dad makes me gag.

Primo: I know. I was joking.

Me: Good.

Primo: I found one book called The Sexually Aggressive Male.

Me: Your dad thought he was an alpha male.

Primo: He was always bragging about all the women who wanted him.

Me: I find that hard to believe. That anyone wanted him, that is. I believe he would brag and I think he would make things up. Most women don't want mean men.

Primo: A lot of women want bad boys.

Me: A bad boy is not the same thing as mean.

Primo: They wanted him because he was an alpha male, he probably thought.

Me: Ha! He was not alpha! Alpha men are not afraid to confront danger. They are not afraid of being physical. Or even if they're afraid, they still do it.

Primo: My dad was not afraid of being physical.

Me: It doesn't count if you are beating up someone weaker than you are. It only counts as alpha if it's dangerous to you. Can you imagine your dad ever putting himself in danger for someone else's sake?

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