Golddigger 101

Monday, February 29, 2016

In which there is still still no response from Ted

"The longer it takes to hear from him, the worse I know he is going to be," Primo says.

Our hairdresser thinks we need to kick Ted to the curb.


  1. First Ted has to get over the shock of getting all the information he wanted that Primo was "hiding" from him. And then find a lawyer who will tell him that Primo's breaking some law and when that doesn't work Ted has to figure out what else he can accuse Primo of. You have to wonder what Ted could have done with his life if he had put this much energy into it.

  2. They are still trying to get the best price on melting down the silver.

  3. I'm imagining Ted dreaming up emergency expenses for TedsSon which must be paid NOW, so he can self righteously demand $$, and demonstrate to Primo how Primo has failed the family by not doing it Ted's Way.

  4. I would like to think that no news is good news but we all know that Ted is just silently ramping up for his reply . . .

  5. I have this vision of Ted winding up in slow motion like Bugs Bunny with the cartoon sound of an engine revving in the background right before he throws the baseball at the Gas House Gorillas.

  6. Ted's talking to lawyers. That's what I think.
