Golddigger 101

Friday, March 18, 2016

In which I read some notes Sly wrote in the middle of the night and they are actually kind of heartbreaking, y'all

Again, we are at the reunion - but this did happen.

Primo handed me three sheets of paper that had almost illegible writing on them.

"These are notes my dad made late at night when he couldn't sleep," he said.

I read them.

I did not like Sly and did not think he was a nice person, but it is very hard not to feel sorry for a sick old man who just wants to go home.

He wrote, over the course of several nights, when he couldn't sleep, and, when, it appears, he was not quite in his rational mind, these things. This was written the week before Doris' funeral.

Thurs 3:00 a.m.
Good early sleep broken by meds
11:30 p.m. with full overhead lighting. No success re getting back to sleep, so up in chair. Read Gordie Howe article, fell asleep (!) until again awakened by medical procedure. Pee, partially wetting shorts.

Home Sat/Sun
Go home w Primo overnight
Doris insurance policy
BS form
Polish obit
Pay bills and deposit checks
Doris service, etc
- music?
- pictures
- flowers - 3 doz?

6/11 Shower!

6/10 doggie diapers - doggie ??? for Suzy when in heat. An outside butt-covering fabric, leather, possibly connected to a harness, but easily removable. ???poop receptacles easiy removed/replaced. Collection containers at street corners for ????

House changes
1. Close in back screenarium, install heated pool,, add shower (keep jacuzzi?)
[Visit Jehm's house for ????]
Wine storage, Doris' - maybe oven. 
A/C system. Room for card games
2.Install grill in kitchen
3. Make back BR livable
4. Install 360 shower
5. MBR connect TV with internet*

9/15** Rent camper
-Ann [Sister]
- Jean [Other sister and her daughters]
Go to lobster country

Back BR - make livable need bed for short visit

Food & drinks limits for me
Coas is fish semi- regular basis
physical limits pour moi

* Ick. I think this was so he could watch internet porn in bed
** Sly was dead by this date. Maybe he meant that was the date to rent the camper?

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