Golddigger 101

Sunday, March 27, 2016

In which Primo wants to bring home more junk from Sly and Doris' house and I don't want him to

Primo is at Sly and Doris', clearing out the last of the things so he can leave the house for the last time.

Turns out the realtor had accidentally taken the push broom, so that mystery is solved, but someone must have stolen the laundry detergent and the knife.

Who does that? Who goes into a stranger's house under the guise of seeking a house to buy, sees a bottle of Tide, and thinks, "I've been meaning to wash clothes! How convenient! I will take this bottle with me!"

Or the knife. What goes through the mind of someone in that case? Is it someone seeking a convenient murder weapon that cannot be tied back to him? Or her?

Well, the joke will be on the thief, as Sly and Doris never once sharpened their knives in all their years of marriage. (Which is why Primo and I got them a Good Knife as a Christmas present one year.)

Primo is going through the kitchen and asking me if I want stuff.

I do not want Sly and Doris' stuff.

My answer to this was no.

My answer to this was no.

So I had to say yes to this.

I hope we are done. (I would rather have had the bottle of Tide.)


  1. OMG!! you passed up the frog brush holder?

  2. I went through this with my husband and his mother's stuff last year. I understand the need to say yes once in a while. Uggghhhh.

    Now I'm secretly getting rid of one thing a month until it's gone.

    1. I wish I could do this. Primo remembers everything.

  3. The Queen of FranceSunday, March 27, 2016

    The kitty paper towel holder is actually kind of cute...

  4. I'd have taken the avocado & white casseroles (or maybe they're called refrigerator dishes?). My folks had that same set, & I loved them.

  5. I took the bottle of Dawn for MIL's.

  6. I hope those casseroles find a good home. They're vintage, but someone would really appreciate them.

  7. I am with previous posters who would have chosen the casserole dishes because (a) at least they're functional and (b) they're easily 'accidentally' broken -- Oh, so sorry, Primo! -- and then they can be chucked.

  8. I think the dishes went to my niece and nephew who just graduated from college. I saw a story in the paper about how vintage. Pyrex and the like is super valuable. We probably should have tried to sell them.

  9. Holy smoke. I just checked vintage Corning Ware on eBay. We did not do it right! That stuff is expensive!

    1. Yeah, the market right now for vintage Corning Ware is HUGE.

  10. I gasped at my screen when I saw that you didn't want the vintage Pyrex. OMG WANT!

    1. I am so sorry! I had no idea. All I knew was I did not want the bad juju of Sly and Doris' things in my house. :(

  11. I can't believe that was missed in the inventory ;)
