Golddigger 101

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

In which Ted's friend says he is taking a break from Ted and of course Primo and I totally get it because Ted can be such a jerk and his nice moments don't make up for his jerkiness

Primo: You remember Ted's friend? The one who lives by my mom and dad and who came to the funeral?

Me: The one whose wife, whom your dad barely knew, Sly asked to wash his urine-soaked clothes?

Primo: Yes.

Me: He seems so nice. Why is he friends with Ted?

Primo: I can't figure it out. But he called me this weekend when I was in Florida. I guess Ted told him we would be scattering ashes.

Me: That was nice.

Primo: He is a really nice guy.

Me: Why? Why is he friends with Ted?

Primo: Anyhow, he called to see how I was doing and all, because of the ashes. Then he said that he was taking a break from Ted. I guess even Ted's friends get tired of him.

Me: Yeah. I can see that.


  1. Why do I think the conversation he had with Ted was all about how Primo didn't do what Ted wanted/was easiest on Ted/didn't ask Ted what he wanted to do. Basically how I, Ted, is never given any consideration or listened to and should be because I am the oldest and perfect and know everything.

    1. Because that is the conversation Ted has with everyone? Including Primo? To this day?

    2. That was more or less my thought - friend saw the situation first hand, has a real good idea of what was involved in taking care of Sly/Doris, and is hearing Ted complain about how Primo is handling things, and is not happy with how Ted's acting. Possibly also has a front row seat to the Ted bragging side "I just acted really angry until he agreed to pay for us going to the funeral. I think I can get him to use the trust to pay for TS tuition from last year." and is just disgusted.

      - AC

  2. Hey, the man has FILMED BRAIN SURGERY, okay? I mean, you don't get much more qualified than that!

  3. ROFL - someone needing a break from the Tedness of Ted?

    1. Yeah. Can you believe it? We think there is something going on now (in real time) with them - we think the friend has completely broken up with Ted. I can't believe it took him this long.

    2. I can kind of understand it taking a long time. I "broke up" with a friend I'd had for 26 years. One day, the realization that I felt bad about MYSELF because I had such a horrible friend just was a tipping point. It's hard for nice people to let even crappy people go, sometimes.

  4. Well it can take a little longer when you're not interacting regularly. Since the friend is many states away he probably never got the full Ted before. You may not consciously realize how bad all your conversations are when they occur a couple of times a year as apposed to a couple of times a week. And I can't really see Ted reaching out to just shoot the breeze. I'm sure every conversation has either a brag component or a woe is me component.
