Golddigger 101

Sunday, June 19, 2016

In which Primo just about passes out

I sent him this photo from my work trip (yes, our vacation is over). Then he was visiting some friends and noticed their toilet paper was not right, according to the Toilet Paper Hanging Doctrine of Primo.

He asked on facebook if he should correct the problem or leave it alone.

I was shocked at how many people - friends of his - thought it was perfectly OK to change the toilet paper in someone else's house.

It's not your house, people! You don't get to make the rules.


  1. in our house, only the one on the left is allowed ... sez himself. personally, i prefer the one on the right. oh, well. i am flexible.

  2. It's the one on the left is the correct way. The only reason to turn it around is cats, children and to keep people from taking "too much" at a time.

  3. Am I the only person in the world who doesn't care what way around the toilet roll faces? Until the invention of the www I had absolutely no idea that many people hold strong opinions on this :-)

    1. I came here to say exactly that. I have no opinion, and I am happy as long as there is sufficient TP. I'll go along with the opinions of others, I'm not a monster to live with, but when I had my own bathroom I just refilled it and that was that.

  4. In our house the person who changes the toilet roll gets to decide which way it faces.

  5. The one on the left is correct, according to my mother, who was correct on all household things. And yes, I would have fixed it.

    1. Would you also have rearranged their furniture, if you felt it had been placed incorrectly?

  6. I truly don't care which way round the roll hangs. I'm just grateful if someone replaces an empty one. Heck, I'll even take "balanced on something within easy reach of the loo" - anything in fact that is not the nasty sensation of realising there is No Loo Roll in the room AFTER you have done your thing.

    (But just to add I would never ever correct anything in the home of someone else, because to me that is far ruder than any breach of outmoded etiquette ;) YMMV! J xx

  7. It's my understanding the left version came from floral print TP (if anyone but me remembers a-way-back-then) but my personal preference is the right version ONLY because the end hangs down along the wall where I can feel it in the middle of the night darkness when necessary.

    Like other comments, I never knew it was such an issue, but think the picture is the brilliant solution. Everyone is a winner! DCS

  8. According to the 1887 patents issued to Seth Wheeler, the one on the left is correct.

  9. Primo probably would have looked in the porthole window too...

    Family friend when I was growing up, had a working porthole window in their bathroom as a wall decoration. If you opened the cover, you found a handwritten note taped to the wall "Nosy!" 8•P

    - AC

  10. Gotta say - however the resident of the house/apartment hangs the TP is the correct way for that place. Changing it while guesting in another residence would show disrespect for your hosts. Changing the TP hang might also be a sign of passive aggressive, obsessive or controlling behavior.

  11. Had to laugh at this. Back in the olden days, Dear Ann (or Dear Abby) had a question about this. She said it was the most responded-to topic in the life of her column. Apparently, this is a major issue.
