Golddigger 101

Saturday, August 20, 2016

In which Primo thought that just because there was no chocolate in my mom's kitchen, there was no chocolate in her house

He didn't know that you just have to go into the basement and into the closet containing the Christmas wreaths, the candles, and the canned goods, and look in every single Tupperware container - beans, flour, sugar, crackers, marshmallows, grains - until you find the one on the very bottom shelf that has chocolate chips.

My mother never has been able to hide chocolate for me. I know how to do a Proper Search.


  1. Your dedication to Find The Chocolate proves that we could be friends.

  2. Searches - Not my kids or my husband truly knows how to do a proper search. When I was a kid I found my birthday present one year. My mom bought something new. After the third time she said she said I wasn't getting anything else that year. I always found the Christmas presents and one year pried the nails out that my mother had used on the door to the little room the presents were in. She had already wrapped them but I found the very light penciled item names she had written on the packages. She gave up after that and just had my help wrap everything.

  3. The proper search is everything :P

  4. How can someone not know how to find the chocolate? Did they get chocolate on demand or something when they were kids? That's the only reason I can think of.

    Convos With Husband - I lived in a group house with three men once and realized they were the perfect roommates because they would not steal my chocolate.

  5. My husband doesn't realize there IS a proper search technique nor hiding technique. I can actually hide the chocolate in the piano bench in the living room! Pitiful. Deb in KY

  6. I can hide things from my husband simply by putting it on a different shelf in the fridge. I could definitely hide a chocolate stash if I needed to.
