Golddigger 101

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

In which we have a very sad cat who is sad because I will not let her open the box and eat of the peaches

I am a meanie who is not letting her eat peaches because

1. The peaches remaining in the case are for my friend Lois - we buy a case and split it
2. I get peaches three times a year. These are trucked overnight in refrigerated trailers from Georgia. They taste the way peaches should taste. I love my cat with her acquired symmetric feline alopecia (see her poor naked belly? she used to be the Plush Kitty, but middle age is hard on all of us), but I am not going to share the Good Peaches with her.


  1. We had to start keeping chanterelles in the metal breadbox. The cat figured out how to open cupboards to get to them and no bag was safe outside the latched breadbox.

    1. I used to laugh at that cat food ad showing a cat dreaming of vegetables, but now we know the truth, right, Gene?

  2. Wait...isn't peach season over? Is this longer season one of the upsides to global warming?

    1. I wish! Three-month lag time or so on postings.
