Golddigger 101

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

In which Primo realizes that doing housework is futile

Primo: Hey! I just vacuumed two days ago and there is already cat hair on the floor again!

Me: I know.

Primo: And I washed the tub last week but it is dirty again!

Me: I know.

Primo: But - that's not fair!

Me: I know.


  1. Dear Primo,

    Yes. It is a futile battle to keep it clean. The only goal in this battle is to keep it from getting *worse*.

    - AC

  2. Awww! Sometimes I just want to pat his head and tell him it'll be okay. Poor guy, wait'll he realizes what people are doing to his nice clean toilets...

  3. Lol this is soooo true. My mom offered to buy me a new vacuum for Christmas and so we went to pick one out. She suggested what I'm sure was a perfectly nice one, but the canister held maybe a third of what a normal sized one did. We had a good laugh when I reminded her two fur babies and two boys would mean we'd be emptying that thing every other pass.
