Golddigger 101

Sunday, January 29, 2017

In which Primo forgets once again to offer water or coffee to someone who has come over to our house to help him campaign

Primo: Thanks for offering water to Mike. I get all "Wooooo!" and I forget to do those things.

Me: It is the polite, gracious thing to do.

Primo: I know, but I get all distracted by too much going on.

Me: It's not like you were taught to do it. The first time we went to your mom and dad's, we arrived at lunchtime and they didn't even offer me a glass of water.

Primo: They probably thought that I would get it for you

Me: Uh huh. Just like my mom. Oh wait! NO! She emails me weeks before we visit asking what you want to eat and making special things just for you.

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