Golddigger 101

Friday, January 20, 2017

In which Primo says that the reason Sly kept all the porn and equipment around was because he (Sly) did not expect to die

To which I say, "Everyone dies. What makes your dad think he was so special that he was going to live forever?"

Seriously people. You know not the hour. And even if you are proud of your sexual prowess, the people who will clean out your house do not want to see that stuff. Come up with a plan.


  1. Not so much live forever, but long enough to deal with it all later. But from the description of Sly I'm not so sure he would have cared about who saw what.

    1. Yeah, probably! He was proud! The man did not know the word "boundary." (And I say that as someone who way overshares herself, but man, I do not talk about my sex life with anyone but Primo!)

  2. My mother-in-law didn't begin to contemplate the idea that she might possibly die _someday_ until about 18 hours before she actually did. I watched the realization dawn in her eyes (she could no longer speak) and then froze when she looked at me as if to say, "Tell me it's going to be okay?" As if I knew. As if I thought it was okay that she came into my house and broke my family for four years. As if I was God and could absolve her. The last act of an unhappy, unaware, controlling, selfish woman. Ten years later and I'm still mad. And of course, because she "wasn't going to die" she'd made no plans. It was chaos.

    1. I don't blame you for still being angry. It's a horribly selfish, thoughtless thing to do to dump your affairs on someone else. It's not that hard to make a will and to make plans.

      With Sly and Doris, it's not like they were doing anything else anyway - they spent the day watching TV and drinking.

  3. If I was keeping a bunch of stuff that I thought nobody needed to see but I still wanted to keep handy, I'd probably put it in a box or something marked "Dispose of after my death." But really, would I be confident that nobody would open the box?
