Golddigger 101

Friday, February 3, 2017

In which Primo gets yard signs that do not have to be folded and then stapled in 12 different places

 and it is worth the extra $1.10 per sign - these cost $3.50 each vs the $2 something that the signs cost four years ago - not to deal with the drama and the paper cuts and the damn staples.


The Woman who assembled hundreds of yard signs for the first campaign, a task that required stapling each sign in ten different places and involved many many paper cuts, even though you wouldn't think that heavy paper could give a person a paper cut (it can)

We are rich people now, spending big bucks on yard signs.

1 comment:

  1. Who knew? My memories of yard signs are back in the 70's - I'm imagining one piece of heavy cardboard and a wooden stake...
