Golddigger 101

Friday, July 21, 2017

Ch 6 Primo plans to ask Sly about Sly’s old-age plans again, hoping that Sly has re-evaluated and updated the plan now that he has seen what it’s like to be even less mobile than he is used to

Primo: The wrist and my dad’s surgery have made it really clear that they are not prepared to cope with any kind of challenge. Their plan really cannot be just that I visit them twice a year.

Me: Boy no kidding. They don’t want to ask for help and they resent the help they do get.

Primo: I need to know what my dad wants to do if my mom goes first.

Me: I hope your dad dies first. Your mom deserves a few years of peace. She would be happy in a retirement community where she could have some friends.

Primo: He won't take her anywhere. He isolates her.

Me: She is lonely. I feel sorry for her.

Primo: But he is in a lot better health than she is.

Me: Your poor mom. She doesn’t deserve this.

Primo: My hope is that he will want to move near his sister. He has mentioned that before.

Me: You wouldn't bring him here, would you? I don’t want him living near us.

Primo: No! He wouldn't want to be here. He and his sister get along.

Me: Really? Does she know what he's like?

Primo: She is his sister! And they talk on the phone. He considers her an intellectual equal.

Me: I doubt that. He doesn’t think anyone is his equal. We are all pond scum to him. But does she know what he is like in everyday life?

Primo: Well, he says he couldn't live in the same house with her. Just near her.

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