Golddigger 101

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Ch 10 Sly and Doris don’t like that I re-use Ziplocs

Primo: Here’s one! They don’t like that you re-use Ziplocs.

Me: How on earth do they know I do that?

Primo: Because when I was there for my dad’s birthday, my mom was throwing away a few Ziplocs that we had used for crackers and for cookies.

Me: Your mom the environmentalist?

Primo: Yes. I told her that you wash and re-use Ziplocs unless the bag is too hard to wash or has holes in it.

Me: It’s wasteful to throw those away after using them only once.

Primo: They think you are too frugal – that you are cheap.

Me: Are these the same people who would not buy cans of diet Dr Pepper for me because the two-liter bottle was so much cheaper?

Primo: Yes, the same. They also don’t like that you don’t have the right reasons not to re-use bags.

Me: What are the right reasons?

Primo: Because You Care About The Environment. Not because you are thrifty.

Me: Like they care? They don’t re-use Ziplocs! I thought they cared.

Primo: They would probably say it’s too much trouble to wash them. Besides, they care about the big issues, like power plant emissions. So they don’t actually have to do anything, like reduce the amount of junk mail they get or stop using their air conditioner all year round, even though most of the time, the weather is nice enough in Florida that they could just open the windows – they just have to say they care.

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