Golddigger 101

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Ch 8 Doris goes on Facebook and doesn’t like Primo’s profile and once again, uses quotation marks around random words – is she trying to be ironic?

Doris sets up a Facebook account and finds Primo’s profile. (She did not try to friend me, although LinkedIn, if you don’t quit spying on my emails and suggesting that I connect with my boyfriend’s parents, who have made their dislike of me very clear, I am going to – to – well, something bad.)

BlessHerHeart, Doris does not understand the concept of online privacy and things like identify theft. She writes to Primo,

We got to your FACEBOOK page because of your email on Elizabeth Warren. Your dad doesn't "do" anything "facebook" but he did read through some of your information.  Strange that you don't list your parents or half-brothers as family members.

Your bio should also mention that you were born in Michigan.  You also have January 1 listed as your birthday (?).[1]

[1] Not his birthday. Because you know - identity theft.

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