Golddigger 101

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Ch 11 Sly is pissed at me and threatens to disinherit Primo (again)

We get back to the house. Sly calls to Primo. Primo goes into Sly’s bedroom to talk to him and I go into the guest room. My headache did not gone away while we were at Stephanie's, but at least I was comforted by the presence of more allies than enemies. Sly was outnumbered at Stephanie's.

Fifteen minutes later.

Primo: My dad is ticked off. He threatened to disinherit me if I don’t get you in line.

Me: Yeah, yeah, yeah. We’ve heard it before. You’re not even inherited so I don’t know why he thinks that’s a valid threat. Besides, it’s not as if your parents are Rockefellers. And even if they were, so what? You don’t need their money. It’s pretty sleazy to try to control you that way. What else is new?

Primo: He said you’re supposed to respect your elders and he asked me why I let you boss me around.

Me: Wait. He used those words? “Boss” you around?

Primo: Yes.

Me: Wow. He is really big on this whole “boss” concept.

Primo: I know.

Me: Did you tell him it's because I'm good in bed?

Primo: I should have. He told me that I am pussy whipped.

Me: Except doesn’t pussy whipped mean that the pussy gets her way about everything? I sure don’t always get my way.

Primo: I am pretty sure that my dad thinks that the only reason I don’t spend every single minute of free time with them is because you forbid it.

Me: Yeah, right. Would that work?

Primo: Nope! Anyhow, he was pissed. He was ranting and raving about your disrespectful attitude and how you don’t know your place.

Me: Good grief. I have a “place?” What is this, 1950? That’s not very liberal of him, is it? So now what do I have to do to fix things? Man, I am so sick of your dad. I should have had it out with him years ago. I am tired of this passive aggressive behavior and tiptoeing around.

Primo: Actually, I told him that I’d had enough of his bullying.

Me: What?

Primo: I told him that I was tired of his bullying and bluster and that he needed to stop trying to push you around and stop trying to push me around.

Me: Wow!

Primo: I said I was not going to discuss you with him anymore. I said that the next time he complained about you to me, I would walk away or hang up the phone. I also told him that if that’s the way he’s going to be, then you and I will take care of ourselves and they can take care of themselves and we would have nothing to do with each other. They can get lonely by themselves down here and you and I will live our lives in Austin without them. I am not going to be threatened like that.

Me: Wait a second. If your dad has a problem with me, why doesn't he just talk to me?

Primo: I don’t know. I suggested he do that next time and he didn’t answer.

Me: I don’t get it. It’s not like your dad is meek and non-confrontational. He has no problem getting in someone’s face. He gets in your face all the time.

Primo: I don’t know.

Me: Wait. Wait! Your dad won't talk to me because he knows he can't push me around! Wait! Your dad is scared of me! OMIGOSH! I've spent all this time scared of your dad and he's scared of me!

Primo: Maybe. Yeah, probably. I never thought of it that way, but yes. Everyone else is afraid of him.

Me: I mean, he’s not scared scared – he outweighs me by over 100 pounds, but he knows that I’ll fight back! I’m the only one who challenges him! Sure, you challenge him, but he makes you pay. The price is too high for you. I don’t care if he likes me or not. He knows he can’t make me cry. He knows he can’t get his way with me by threatening to withhold love and approval.

Primo: Yeah, that makes sense.

Me: This is good! I feel powerful! I feel great! I win. I win! Oh man! You know what else?

Primo: What?

Me: My headache! It’s gone! It’s finally gone! I WIN! I BEAT YOUR DAD!

And you know what else?

Power? And victory?

They are aphrodisiacs.

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