Golddigger 101

Friday, September 22, 2017

Ch 12 I put together a project plan for the wedding

I put together a project plan for the wedding. When you have people staying at your house – against my better judgment, Sly and Doris are staying in our house, you need a plan. They will be here for nine days.

No, that was not my idea. Why do you ask?

Not only will they be with us for nine days, they will be in our bedroom because they cannot take stairs easily and the guest room is upstairs.

Here is a summary of the (four page) plan:

SaturdaySly and Doris arrive San Antonio, Primo pick up
Supper: Gumbo
 SundayPrimo to take Sly and Doris on a tour
Supper: Steak, mac and cheese, grilled veg, Lambert’s rolls
Chocolate zucchini bread?
 MondayPrimo off
Apple pie with Doris?
Rosemary roasted chicken, potatoes
 TuesdayLeftover gumbo
 WednesdayPlant bulbs with Doris?
Leftover chicken
Make bread for Thursday
Morning (9:40) Jenny arrive, Goldie pick up,
Afternoon Mom, Dr. J, and Greg arrive in own car
Supper: garlic chicken, rice, cookies, homemade bread (lots of starch)
 FridayBreakfast – cereal, bagels
Sandwiches, ham, sausage, peanut butter
 1:45 everyone at house, leave for church
Wine for Fr Joe, Pastor Gail
2:00 Wedding
 5:30 leave for restaurant (table will be ready at 6:00)
Wine for us, Rob in lieu of sales tax
How to seat atheists/pastors?

Now that I have written the plan, I am feeling a lot less stressed out. Nothing like getting everything down on paper to make me feel as if I am in control. Now I can think about how fun it will be to have everyone here in a few weeks.

Well. To have my family here. That part will be fun.

My mom saw the full project plan on my other blog. She is teasing me, saying that I should stop worrying already. Everyone can eat sandwiches and they will all be OK, but she's the one who set the bar so high. My mom is a wonderful hostess. Anyone who goes to her home feels welcome and comfortable and that's what I want for my guests. Hence the worry about what they like to eat (I have been pestering Primo with menu ideas for weeks, asking him if his mom and dad would like this, or that, or something else), what sleeping conditions they prefer, and what they like to drink that is not alcohol.  

I am also stocking up on chocolate and current magazines to put in the guest room. Flowers in the guest bathroom, of course. Martha says also a few bottles of water in the room. It's all in the plan.


  1. Okay, I was horrified to read that Sly and Doris were staying with you--for nine days!!! Even one day would be too many! I'm nominating you for sainthood, STAT!

  2. Hope you edited your plan to include a fifth of bourbon per day ... in the guestroom, of course.

    Well, and a bottle of wine a day for you.
