Golddigger 101

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Ch 12 So guess what? It might not be depression nausea

·         Nausea
·         Breakouts
·         Zits
·         Late period

What does all that mean to you?

To me, it means perimenopause.

Primo: You can’t be starting menopause. You’re too young.

Me: Well, my period is three weeks late. That’s the only thing it can be.

Primo: What if you’re pregnant?

Me: That’s crazy.

Primo: Check. Take a pregnancy test.

Me: No. I am not pregnant. That would be a stupid waste of money.

Primo: You could be.

Me: No. It’s impossible.

Primo: It is not impossible.

Me: OK, it’s unlikely.

Primo: It could happen.

Me: I really don’t think so. Women my age pay a lot of money to get pregnant. All I did was stop taking the pill a few months ago because I figured I was too old for this kind of thing.

Primo: Would you just buy a test and take it? Don’t you want to know? You’ve told me yourself that you never get sick. You don’t. I’ve never once seen you sick. Take the test.

Me: Fine. But it’s a stupid waste of money.

Primo: What if you are?

Me: Oh God I hope not. I cannot imagine nine months of feeling like this.

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