Golddigger 101

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Ch 12 We argue about the silverware

Primo: You need to stack the silverware by category and size.

Me: I bought that separator thingy. They are already sorted by category. That is organized enough. But if you want to stack the utensils, go ahead. I don’t care. But I am not doing it your way because your way is stupid.

Primo: This is how it should be. You’re a slob for just tossing each item into its own slot without stacking.

Me: It takes too much time.

Primo: With your way, you have to look through all the spoons to find a big spoon or a little spoon. With my way, they are already separated.

Me: First, the most you would have to look through is half the items. Second, the total time it takes you to separate and stack separately and then to find what you want is way more time than it takes me to toss them and then look for what I want. You have to look at the total process, not just the discrete elements.

This discussion resolves nothing. But instead of fighting, we just pointedly each do it our way in front of the other. 


  1. You would think that an engineer would have looked at the probabilities and realized that you have a 50% chance of getting what you want on the first spoon, so most of the time you would only have to look at two spoons. Your way is correct - well, at least efficient!

  2. Sorry, I'm with Primo on this one. I definitely separate my little spoons and big spoons. But it's not because I think it's more efficient - it's because I literally could not sleep at night if they were just all jumbled together. It's making me twitch just picturing it.

    1. (I have a 6yo and a 17mo, so feel free to speculate on my general level of clutter-related stress)

    2. I separate big & little spoons too - not because I or my spouse are that concerned about mixing, but because my flatware organizer has that many spaces. Actually - we do mix the regular & salad forks due to space, but my husband refuses to EVER use the "little" forks, so they're stored upside down ;-)

    3. Also team separate spoons here. Steak knives and butter knives are separate too. Forks, I don't care about them, and they might all be the same size tbh.

  3. OK - I just showed these comments to Primo and he feels vindicated by Kathryn's comment and is unswayed by webb's!

    1. Tell Primo I have dedicated my life to battling the second law of thermodynamics. In my flatware drawer, ENTROPY DECREASES!!!

      ...Except for the section where the toddler utensils go. I can't do anything about those. *weeps*

  4. Big spoons go one direction in the slot and little spoons go the other direction. I would go crazy if they were all jumbled together.

  5. My husband and I once had an entire argument over the division of the silverware tray when he gave the steak knives a compartment that I was previously using to keep forks separated. We didn't have that many steak knives, so by me they could go in with the butter knife and serving spoons and other miscellaneous silverware.

    We ended up telling each other what the big forks and the little forks were telling us (me: the little forks are jealous because they see the big forks leaving all the time and they never get to go out. him: the little forks told him they like the company, it makes them feel save to have their older siblings around). The forks remain combined, but stacked pointing in different directions. It takes a whole extra half a second to pull and stack as you're putting them away. I like organization.

    1. But, but, but - sharp knives in a drawer mixed with dull blades? That's dangerous ;-)

    2. Yes, but when there are only 4 not-very-sharp steak knives (seriously, rounded tip not pointed), it's not hard to avoid them. ;)

  6. Big and little spoons are separated because that's how many spaces we have. Sharp knives are in their own compartment, dull round knives are thrown in upside-down with the forks because the difference is really obvious to the touch. We do not own small forks (sad state of affairs, but not sad enough for me to do something about it).

    1. I don't know why all your comments went into moderation! Sorry about that. :(
