Primo: Something bad happened!
Me: What? (Thinking - someone we know has died!)
Primo: It's BAD!
Me: Oh no! (My sister called him late at night to tell him my mom fell and broke her hip! Primo has cancer! The library burned down!)
Primo: We've discovered that Boris, on the board of ActivistsRUs, is an infiltrator!
Me: What do you mean?
Primo: I mean he's from the Other Side!
Me: But - he's in your group!
Primo: He's running for county supervisor against Natasha.
Me: Which is good, right?
Primo: I know you are not a fan of Natasha.
Me: She is not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Primo: I know.
Me: She said she didn't know why Arizona was worried about illegal immigrants from Mexico because it's not like Mexico and Arizona share a border.
Primo: We thought Boris was running to the left of Natasha.
Me: But he's not?
Primo: Turns out he ran in 2012 and he is not left!
Me: But - he is in your group!
Primo: We think he's a spy.
Me: But the alternative is Natasha.
Primo: I would rather have someone really dumb who agrees with me on positions than someone smart who is on the other side.
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